The 34th annual NPC Novice Michigan Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure and Bikini Championships open the Michigan NPC competition season on March 19, 2011 at the Redford Theatre in Detroit.
Divisions for the Novice Michigan Championships follow and include the new Physique Division, but only for the men. There will be a lot of interest, during this first year, watching how the promoters and judges handle a, possibly, controversial division.
- Men Bodybuilding
- Men’s Physique
- Teen (19 Years & Under) Men
- Masters (40-49) Men
- Grand Masters (50 & Over) Men
- Women Bodybuilding
- Masters (Over 35) Women
- Open Fitness Women
- Open Women’s Figure
- 35-39 Figure
- Over 40 Figure
- Open Bikini
Rick Romeo, the long standing promoter of the Michigan Novice, will also sponsor a Fitness, Figure and Bikini Seminar at his ULTIFIT, The Ultimate Fitness Center, in Flint on Sunday, February 20. IFBB Pro Nicole Wilkins, a Figure Olympian Champion, will present information that will assure your readiness for your contest presentation. She will address perfecting your posing and presentation rounds. Tanning application, suit selection and shoes, hair and makeup will all be covered. The cost of the Seminar will be $125 on your arrival; contact to register.
Bodybuilding Suits - Protecting your private parts securely and in the most stylish way during bodybuilding competition is very essential. In bodybuilding competitions, you need to capture the attention of others with your physic. So, it should be adorned in the most stylish way. You can do it by using the swim suits of Vandella costumes. These suits are specially designed for participating in these types of competitions. You can also outperform your opponents if you wear these swim suits